Saturday, 17 March 2012

Breakfast at 1 BD

Seven weeks in.. Is it really that long? The last few weeks have just flown by! the men had a great time the other Saturday as they got together to start clearing around the new building ready for the Grand Opening this Sunday. I was enlisted to supply an English breakfast as an incentive to get volunteers which is fine if you have a cooker but as the Zesa was off Tendai instructed me in cooking over a wood fire!

Two weeks ago we spent four days in Harare at the CHAMPS conference. We met some really lovely people and shared a cottage with a white couple from Zim who have spent the last few years training farmers in ' Foundations' principles. I now know how to farm ' on time', 'without waste' and ' with joy!' Dave attended the finance seminar which Taps was hosting and he found it very interesting and challenging. Here are some of the photos of the training showing how ploughed land washes away and how putting a carpet of mulch on the ground protects the soil and retains moisture. The team are doing a great job out here but even with the best farming methods, if there is no rain the crops are doomed and that is what we are seeing around Bulawayo, although it rained on all three days we were in Harare!
This week we have been involved in some business training with the Nehemiah Trust. They had selected nine people to train and at the end of the two weeks they will choose two or three to invest in and mentor. We may be involved in the mentoring and it has been a real eye opener as to how these lovely people who are often so resourceful and positive, live such a hand to mouth existance, so anything we can do to help will be a bonus!
Meanwhile, in my spare time, I have been designing and painting some signs for the hairdressers shop! (forgot to take a photo!!) The shop is called Beauty Island so it involved palm trees and sun! We have also made some fliers for them to give out to help build up their client base.

This afternoon I am off to Hamara farm for a ladies meeting. Sam and Marlene Poe are here at the moment so Marlene is speaking. Dave is helping Tairai transport chairs to the new venue at Bulawayo Drive (1 BD for short) for the meeting tomorrow morning at which Sam will preach. There is much exciement here and great anticipation that the church will explode once the building is open from tomorrow. (that's in numbers, not literally!)

To close, here is a photo of Tendai and her new baby boy for those who know her and the family. She is the wife of the pastor of Thembalezizwe church.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tendai and baby look so well, thanks for sharing the photo. Please pass on our love and congratulations. Are they still living up the road from 1BD?
