Saturday, 25 May 2013

June's jolly journal!

Jumping Jehoshaphat! (well J is a very difficult letter!) The 21st century has arrived in Zim at last with a new shiny cultivator for X to play with. Many thanks to the people who gave finances and made this possible.

X playing with his new toy
The ground at 1BD is very difficult to work as it was bush less than a year ago and the machine has enabled the guys to get much better seed beds prepared for things like carrots. Some of the first carrots grown were exceedingly ugly as the ground was too solid for them to grow straight although they were able to market the jumbo ones.
We are praying for righteous judgement on the gang of ten who broke into the site and kidnapped the guard and took him away at knife point. He was later released once they had got far enough away with their six bags of maize which had only been shelled that day! The police don't seem that interested in getting anyone in jail! It is very disappointing for us and the men to see their hard work being wasted like that
Jerseys and jackets are definitely needed now in the mornings and evenings  (and jammies and hot wolly bollies in bed) as winter is here but, if its not too windy it is still quite warm in the day.We would love to send dear old England some sun because I'm sure you're all feeling a bit jealous of us....
At the beginning of the month we had Mother's Day and after the morning meeting all the mothers at Trenance contributed and we had a meal together. A very jolly time was had by all. As you can see I really enjoyed the juicy chicken and rice.

Dave introduced the novel idea of the leaders serving the ladies, (culturally unheard of in Matabeleland!) but we think it was just to get his jaws around the food, really!(No, he hasn't changed)
Our dear friends, Mark and Heather, are leaving Zim for the next two months as they have been refused residency again, (although ours has been renewed) so we have inherited another dog, temporarily at least. Nelly is eight months old and she and Izzy get on so well that its not really a hardship! We hope our friends will be allowed back in when the time comes.
We are very excited to say that an Alpha course started at Hamara Farm (one of the congregations), at the beginning of the month. Dave did the second talk to which about 90 people came. They are really fired up for it and we watch with interest to see how it works in an African culture. The ladies doing the catering start preparing at midday and cook chicken, sadza and cabbage on open fires. We are planning to start one in Trenance soon as well as St Peters. (I'm not volunteering to cook though!)
This Sunday we have a Joint meeting with all three congregations for a vision Sunday.
We are pleased to say that we will be jetting your way in July for a short visit. We miss our family and friends and the church so much, we can't wait to catch up and anyway it means I can postpone doing the letter K for a bit longer as thats worse than J! Just Joking.......

1 comment:

  1. Jolly good blog! Just a Jiffy to read it, which brought Joy to us all, before June arrives.
